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Swift and Changeable

Change Your Life

Realising the importance of a healthy lifestyle is the first step to changing your life forever

Healthy Eating & Dieting

We all know that we should be eating healthily, but it’s often met with mixed reactions as people often associate it with boring food and tiny portions. My page is here to help change your perspective on healthy eating and find easy ways to incorporate a healthy diet into your busy schedule.


Exercising is another area that many people hate thinking about, as they think you need to spend hours in the gym or be an Olympic athlete. This is not the case – walking for 30 mins every day can help get you moving and active, because that is what it’s all about at the end of the day. And it’s not just walking that can help…

Weight Loss

There are so many weight loss options out there, in terms of what exercises you do, how often you do it and ultimately finding something you enjoy doing. Having a good balanced diet, as well as exercise, is also important for successful weight loss.

Staying Healthy

There is more to staying healthy than just your diet and exercising. Making sure you have the right medication, taking vitamins if needed or other considerations are necessary to ensuring you stay healthy, particularly as you get older.

My Journey

Over the past few years, I have turned my life around dramatically. I was overweight, unhappy in my job and struggled to get out of bed in the morning. I felt so real sense of purpose or motivation to better myself. Then one day, I decided that I needed to do something about it for my own benefit and for the people around me that I was affecting. It was not an easy turnaround and took months of dedication to get there, but I came out the other side much happier. 

Are you ready to take control of your life?

Mark Swift

Lifestyle Coach
Owner of Swift and Changeable